My aunt and me are always making fun of each other, usually by sending each other stupid gifts via mail. This one was a hit out of the park from me. We had a lot of fun…

Side view of the ‘therapy’ doll.

We were on a nice rally of exchanging jokes accompanied by ludicrous jokes that ended in her expressing her ‘grievance’ that I did not say goodbye on one occasion. The truth is, I could not find her to say goodbye when I was leaving (‘yeah, right, you just did not want to’). She sent me some plastic gadget consisting of a set of hands you can use to wave at people with the message “we usually say goodbye to each other in MY family”. So my reply was to send her this doll. I made it by taking the head of a Ken doll (sorry, Ken) and substituting a 3D print of my own head. I had my wife 3D scan my head while I pretended to be kissing. Once the doll was finished, the resemblance was uncanny, bar the lack of a bit of weight around the waist… I sent it to her accompanied by a letter from a ‘psychologist institute’ stating that the doll is a therapy doll to help her cope with separation anxiety from her nephew. She needed to hug the doll three times a day for the next few weeks, after which she could decrease the frequency. This was answered with a note stating I had won this one, she could not top it. Like I said, we had a lot of fun.